Thursday, May 23, 2019

The Barraging Dos Information System

Its concern is to store, retrieve, organize, and update the residents record. It will lessen the write ups they handle and they can process the requirements needed by the residents of their Barraging in the shortest time. It was also developed to slim the hard and long-time procedure of accessing files and records they keep. This will also avoid duplication of data. All information about the Barraging residents will be recorded in the database to lessen the paper works and to reduce the work of the employees.The system will be effective in maintaining, searching ND storing records of all residents In the barraging. Implementing the Barraging Information System in their Barraging will eliminate the manual process Of transactions they usually do. TO use the System, the user should have knowledge in using the computer which is very important. The deliberate focused on how to compile all the information using this system which will clearly update and edit the information without any f urther mistake.Project schedule It Describes a listing of a brooks milestones, activities, and deliverables, usually with int destructioned start and finish dates. Those items are often estimated in terms of resource allocation, budget and duration, linked by dependencies and scheduled events. Define project specification a. Find and identify Barraging b. Preliminary Barraging interview c. Data gathering and feasibility study d. Identifying requirements e. Final Barraging interview f.Generate project Proposal 190 II. System analysis and soma a. Determining Feasibility b. Review of Existing System c. Data flow diagram Development d. Entity kin diagram development e. Table relationship diagram development f. User interface development Figure 3 Task, Duration, and Dependency Table The table higher up shows the task and its duration and the dependencies of each that must flow in order. The group started the project on July 201 3 and he estimated date that the project will end is Fe bruary 2014.Legend A-Ezra Model B Reined Molecular Nolan Decent C D Marital Kananga PERSON RESPONSIBLE IV. Define project specification V. System analysis and design d. Entity relationship diagram development f. User interface development Table 4 Task, Duration, and Person Responsible The table above shows the task and its duration and the prudent for each developer during the project development for proposed Business Permits, Licensing and Treasury System for the Municipality of Stop. Tomatos Business Permits, Licensing and Treasury offices.

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